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la la land- why to watch and what it means to me

750 words or more

At least 3 sources cited in MLA format

Whenever we are persuading someone or evaluating something, we are arguing for the overall quality of a specific product, whether that product is a material object, device, piece of writing, or even the argument of another. Choose either a book or film that has held a major significance to you. Then, write an essay arguing for the quality of that book or film. This is your chance to persuade and influence your audience to experience something new. Your essays should all answer the fundamental question, So what? Be sure to emphasize every aspect of your chosen book or film that makes it deserving of praise and appreciation. Evidence from other published critical reviews is especially necessary to deliver a highly developed and defended argument. Furthermore, this is an essay that yearns for creative thinking. Therefore, I expect you to challenge yourself to look deeper into your chosen book or film than you have ever done.

For this essay assignment, you will need to look for sources outside of the FCC databases. I highly recommend looking at highly reputable publications, such as the following:

TIME magazine
The New York Times
Rolling Stone magazine
For films and books, these sources should provide effective articles and critical reviews to use as evidence. That being said, be sure to include evidence from your film or book to defend your argument further.

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