Final Paper: For this paper write a research proposal. Describe to a reader, in less than 1750 words, what your research is, and how you intended to do it. For a detailed example of how to write such a document, look to Kesklys Foolproof Grant Template (see pdf in readings, link and outline below). You are not required to actually do this research during the term, but you should try to treat the planning as if you were given six-months to a year of time to actually conduct research, and then think through questions that would necessary for you to answer given a particular research method. Conclude by reflecting on how conducting such research could contribute to a relevant discussion in sociology today.
-NO PLEGARISM I include 4 articles you can use whatever of those 4 works best for you
Depression and anxiety in college students
May 28th, 2022
Posted in Social Sciences, Undergraduate
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