In his farewell address President Eisenhower warns against the expansion of the Military Industrial Complex. In his Presidency he successfully resisted continual pressure from the military to robustly and unilaterally to attack multiple countries (A few: Vietnam, Korea, Dominican republic, Congo Cuba, Iran, Egypt) on the assumption of anti-communism. Eisenhower resisted such pressures. Discuss U.S Foreign policy, the role of the Military Industrial Complex (As Eisenhower defines it) from the Truman policies of Containment, Involvement in Korea, Overthrow of undesirable rulers and so forth through Eisenhower’s and Kennedy”s administrations. Then perhaps consider the role of the Military Industrial complex in Presedencies from Johnson forward in context of this warning. Useful hint: Military spending amounted to 20% of the 1959 budget and about 60% of the 2016 budget.
Discussion chapter 29
November 9th, 2020
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