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John Wick, Chapter One

Using at least 4 of the readings assignedfor Unit 2(which does not include the movies themselves), write a paper (1800-2400 words) in which you compare Atomic Blondeto John Wick: Chapter 1(or, with permission, you could consider all three John Wickmovies as a unit for comparison)as a means to make an argument.  This topic is incrediblybroad, so you must select some aspect(s)that you can meaningfully analyze usingthe two moviesas case studies in order to arrive at an argument. You may focus the paperin whatever way seems most interesting to you.

In the Unit 2 paper,make sure that you have developed both a clear focus question/angleand thesisforyour paper.Make sure that you have effectively introducedyour readers to the concepts that you discuss in your paper, while making your question or problem clear.

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